Nar shaddaa vertical city
Nar shaddaa vertical city

While much of Coruscant was filled with gleaming apartments and well-maintained skywalks, the entire moon that was Nar Shaddaa was dominated by decaying urban landscape and congested, polluted cities. Eventually, Nar Shaddaa became a criminal haven and gained a reputation of being the center of illegal operations in the galaxy. Though Nar Shaddaa was once a prosperous trade center, it lost its glory as the trade lanes shifted. The Hutts continued to exploit the Evocii in their new home, buying up their land and using them as a cheap labor source.

nar shaddaa vertical city

Like Coruscant and Taris, the lower levels fell into disrepair and became havens for the lowest lifeforms (particularly the descendants of the Evocii which mutated into unwholesome savages) on the moon.

nar shaddaa vertical city

The urban areas on Nar Shaddaa were known as vertical cities since new layers of housing and entertainment buildings were built on top of older layers. In between these ports, massive vertical cities grew. Ancient refueling spires and loading docks reached out from the native soil into orbit. Over the centuries, Nar Shaddaa grew as an important center of interstellar trade. Eventually the moon was annexed by the Hutts, who started building spaceports and docking bays across its surface, some stretching out into orbit. When the Hutts left their homeworld of Varl, they displaced the Evocii, native to Nal Hutta, to Nar Shaddaa. « Never have I been to a place so alive with the Force, yet so dead to it.

nar shaddaa vertical city

More commonly known as the Vertical City, the Smuggler’s Moon and Little Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa was similar to Coruscant in that its surface was entirely overgrown with city sprawl since 24,500 BBY, although unlike Coruscant it was filthy, polluted, and infested with crime. Nar Shaddaa was the largest moon of Nal Hutta. Nar Shaddaa Posted by Claire Pascale in Planétarium.

Nar shaddaa vertical city